What do you get when you mix a bookstore, two English teachers, glasses, crazy, and an obscene amount of wind? You got it -- us. You get us. "Us" basically got packaged into one pivotal year; namely, 2010; namely, the current year (with some overlap from 2009).
July 2009 - Encounter in bookstore
November 2009 - Yes, I will go out with you and yes it will be marvelous
January 2010 - Student teaching/long distance a.k.a. "the pits"
(Enter pipe cleaner ring, stars in my eyes, giggles and tears.)
April 2010 - Graduation
June 2010 - Married with jobs!! A.k.a. "Miracle on 34th St."
August 2010 - Wait... I'm the teacher? Wait... I'm the SPANISH teacher?! Oh boy.
October 2010 - Turns out marriage really does lead to weight gain.
Seems like somebody somewhere said, "Hey guys! Grow up," so we did and it's awesome. Did you know people actually pay you real money to do stuff when you get out of college? None of that "Let's call this slavery deal an internship," mumbo jumbo. We're livin' the life.
Doree giving me away.