Wednesday, July 20, 2011

World Traveling Unborn Baby!

It seems callous to say that the best part of teaching is summer vacation, but what's not to like? So far Eric and I have had a wild one. Despite going to prenatal appointments and closing on a house, we've managed to spend our vacation completely outside of Lyman. Unfortunately, while we continually pack our camera, it doesn't seem to follow us around taking pictures like it should. Our schedule o' fun has included:

1. Anderson Family Reunion at Bear Lake
2. Anderson Adventures in Iona, ID

3. Rachel's wedding in Salt Lake

4. *Kansas City for Skills USA Nationals (Pregnant on a short school bus for 18 hrs. each way. Yeehaw.)

5. Liggett 4th of July in Worland, WY

6. Littleton, CO

7. Liggett Reunion Leadville, CO

8. Dallas, TX

*Please Note: I would have written a whole blog post on this Kansas City experience would it not contain an inappropriate amount of expletives.

In other news:

-We celebrated our one-year anniversary, so now we know everything about marital success ;)

-August 2nd, baby willing, we will find out the gender of this little tot.

-I hit a new record of five days without my head in the toilet (just can't seem to control that bad habit)

-Though subtle and unimpressive so much that I mentally lash out (if it's mentally would it be lash in?) at lucky large pregnant ladies, I am getting a baby bump!

-I think I feel that cutie bumbling around. Or gas. It's hard to tell but, for everyone's sake, I am just gonna go with the former. (Side note: Joking around with Eric before we wanted a baby, I said, "Eric, either I've got a baby in here, or gas" to which he responded, "Please be a baby, please be a baby".)

We can't wait for our lives to turn upside down with this new baby and, who knows? Maybe we'll actually start taking pictures.