Sunday, June 5, 2011

Paper Clip Pupils

Recently, Eric used his ingenuity to solve a pesky problem that caused a snowball fad. Here's what happened.

Annoyed by his pant hem coming undone at work, Eric grabbed a paper clip, fastened it to the end of his pants, and carried on.

Later, a curious student noticed the paper clip and asked Eric's intent.

Eric said simply it was cool to wear a paper clip on your pant hem.

The next day, students everywhere showed up with paper-clipped pant legs.

At graduation, most of the seniors wore paper clips on their robes and, when accepting their diplomas, removed the paper clip and discreetly handed it to our principal in a handshake.

Eric shook his head and said, "I just wanted to keep my hem up."


  1. Thatta boy, Eric! Blazin' trails, setting fads. Your kids will never be able to say you're not least until I show them the picture of you in your underwear pretending to be Heman:)

  2. lol, how did I not know this story before today?
